Monday 7 July 2014

Anti Fraud Policies

There are various forms of policy that can help you in the fight against fraud in your business. At the very least you should have:

A Code of Conduct.

An Anti-Fraud Strategy.

A Fraud Response Plan.

A Whistle-blowing Policy.

However, policies alone cannot ensure that the appropriate controls to prevent employee fraud are maintained. It is extremely important to have a zero tolerance for fraud.

This is only achievable by taking action and not accepting low-level fraud, for example petty pilfering of stationery or the inflation of business expenses.
The anti-fraud culture must be endorsed and thoroughly followed at all levels meaning that it applies to senior members of staff just as much as any other employee within your organization.

If you require any more information about this topic or assistance with the preparation of appropriate anti-fraud policies, I invite you to contact me via email,